Stay In The Struggle - Yoga Sculpt Practice
This one’s a goodie! Some unexpected things thrown in there to keep it interesting. I give my (simplified) routine below, but feel free to move in your way.
Before beginning, think about your intention for practice - the reason you showed up, a phrase you can repeat when your body is saying “that’s enough.”
Try shifting your definition of the word “struggle” - why is it we associate such a negative meaning to struggle? A lot of times our brain goes straight to the negative when something gets hard and we think, “Damn, I can’t do this.” But why is struggling a bad thing? It means you’re working hard. It means you’re giving it your all. It means you’re changing - and that’s the only way you grow. Stay in the struggle, I’m right there with you :)
1. Some knowledge of a typical “yoga sculpt” class would be super helpful in understanding my notes below!
2. Listen to you body - if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.
3. Meant to be done with light weights (3-8lbs)
4. This is meant to be a beat-driven workout - follow each song for pacing & let it push you!
That Home
Childs pose - intention setting
Looking Back
0-49 Cat/cow
50-1:16 Bear plank to high plank walk outs
1:17-1:41 Bird dogs (R arm, L leg)
1:42-2:07 Pulse L leg high
2:08-2:45 Bird dogs (L arm, R leg)
2:46-3:10 Pulse R leg high
In Your Arms
0-1:00 Ragdoll pose
1:01-1:10 1/2 lift - high plank
1:11-1:23 8 pushups
1:24-2:15 high to low plank - upward facing dog - downward facing dog - step to top of mat - (Sun A starts now) 1/2 lift - forward fold - mountain pose - baby back bend - mountain pose - forward fold - 1/2 lift - high to low chaturanga
2:16-2:41 16 pushups
2:42-3:40 Sun A x2 (see above)
All Star
0-41 Hip lifts
42-58 Roll to left side, R leg lifts
58-1:14 table top to back of mat - clam shells R leg
1:31-2:04 table top to back of mat - clam shell L leg
2:05-2:21 Roll to right side, L leg lifts
2:37--3:27 Hip lifts
Beach House
Sun B x1 (no weights)
0-1:00 Chair pose - chair with airplane arms - 16 tricep extensions in chair legs
1:01-1:50 leg mountain pose (L leg lifts) - crescent with airplane arms (L leg shoots back) - shiva squats (L leg is lifted)
1:35-2:40 crescent lunge - warrior 2 - reverse warrior - high to low chaturanga - chair pose - chair with airplane arms - 1 leg mountain pose (R leg lifts) - crescent with airplane arms (R leg shoots back)
2:41-3:20 shiva squats (R leg is lifted)
All Facts
Finish Sun B x1
Crescent lunge - warrior 2 - reverse warrior - high to low chaturanga
Sun B x1 with weights
Add 16 rows every time you’re in crescent with airplane rows, 8 shiva squats after those 16 rows
Sun B+ x1
0-51 Chair pose - chair with airplane arms - 1 leg mountain (L leg high) - crescent with airplane arms (L leg shoots back) - crescent lunge - Warrior 2 - star pose - horse pose
52-1:19 Horse squats
1:20-1:59 star pose - Warrior 2 to the front - reverse warrior - high to low chaturanga - chair pose - chair with airplane arms - 1 leg mountain (R leg high) - crescent with airplane arms (R leg shoots back) - crescent lunge - Warrior 2 - star pose - horse pose
2:00-2:38 horse squats
2:39-3:00 star pose - Warrior 2 to front - reverse warrior - high to low chaturanga
Make Me (Cry)
0-1:14 Basic bicep curls on knees
1:15-1:38 Slow mountain climbers
1:39-2:39 Wide arms curls on knees
2:40-3:24 Toe taps in high plank
Praise the Lord (Da Shine)
Whole song :) 8 ct walkout plank - 4 squats
Split (Only You)
Cardio - move your body, get your heart rate up!
Some ideas: jumping jacks, high knees, fast feet, jump squats, boxing. Go harder on the beat drop (there’s 3!)
Beat Drop 1: 1:27-1:57
Beat Drop 2: 2:12-2:42
Beat Drop 3:31-4:01
Hold Up Wait a Minute
0-1:05 Donkey kicks (R leg)
1:06-1:38 Tricep extensions (R arm) in tabletop
1:39-2:20 Up downs
2:21-2:54 Narrow rows in chair pose
2:55-4:01 Step back lunge (L leg goes back)
Post Malone
0-55 Serve the platter in warrior 2
56-1:00 Star pose - horse pose
1:01-1:31 Horse squat with hammer curl
1:32-1:48 star pose - warrior 2 - reverse warrior - high to low chatarunga - tabletop
1:49-2:49 donkey kicks (L leg)
0-37 Tricep extensions (L arm) in tabletop
38-1:07 up downs
1:08-1:37 Wide arm rows in chair pose
1:37-2:52 Step back lunge (R leg goes back)
2:53-3:51 Shoulder press in warrior 2
0-56 Tricep dips in horse pose
56-1:23 Horse squats full range
1:24-1:48 Horse squat pulse
1:49-2:14 Star pose - warrior 2 - reverse warrior - high to low chatarunga - top of mat
2:15-2:41 Basic squats
2:42-3:10 Squat pulse
0-1:09 Hip lifts
1:10-2:19 Bicycles (add pulses if you want)
2:20-2:37 Hip lift with chest fly
Same Way
0-1:05 Hip lift with chest fly
1:06-1:51 Legs up the wall crunch
1:52-2:22 30-60-90 leg lifts
2:23-2:53 Swim legs low (under 30)